The story so far…

KINDNESS CONTAGION – PAY IT FORWARD is a story of Michelle Davies who embarks on a journey of self-mastery, leadership and spiritual growth. The inspiration began when Michelle entered The Tything Coffee Club in Worcester in 2021 and her coffee was paid for by a man named ‘Darth’, living in Spain. Darth lives his life using bitcoin as currency and he used satoshi’s to PAY IT FORWARD  for Michelle’s coffee. To discover more about Bitcoin

Pay it forward became a regular Act of Kindness from that day forward.

With an enthusiasm for science in the form of osteopathy, self-healing and empowerment and understanding the reasons behind the immense joy experienced in giving, Michelle discovered David R Hamilton PhD Why Kindness is Good For You

Michelle used such like research to publish her own book MIRACLE WORKER Enlightened Rebel Osteo…. Brings Gifts For You To Create A Happier Life

Having been inspired at an event Millionaire Mind Intensive with Lead Trainer Arnon Barnes and at the most recent event UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN with Tony Robbins, the Free coffee board was born at Cafe Colombia in Worcester and Brew Cafe in Bromyard in October 2023

  1. michelle Davies on home

    I’d like to thank Marco Tibbetts for contributing so generously to the pay it forward project. There will be 6…

  2. I love this so much! What a beautiful and inspiring thing to create, Michelle! Thank you, you wonderful human! Kindness…

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9 months ago

I love this so much! What a beautiful and inspiring thing to create, Michelle! Thank you, you wonderful human! Kindness is the most important quality anyone can have and you have it in abundance.