Redeeming your free coffee

All we request in this project is for personal integrity and to be conscientious.

BEFORE you redeem your free coffee

Ask yourself :

  1. Am I in a beautiful state? Or am I in a suffering state?
  2. Will I give thanks for the gift of kindness? And really feel and resonate with gratitude?
  3. If I receive, will I give back and pay it forward some other time?

As Tony Robbins says “gratitude is the antidote to fear”

Tony Robbins ‘Unleash The Power Within’ educates there are only two states;

1. BEAUTIFUL (high energy, peak state)

2. SUFFERING (low energy states)

And three things end suffering;

  • Appreciate / Enjoy
  • Learn / Grow
  • Love / Give / Gratitude

The Pay It Forward is not only about fighting social exclusion, it is about the average person who is not in a beautiful state and is suffering. It is for anybody who would truly benefit from receiving and for the person who prospers from giving.